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Even Though It Might Not Feel Like It You Are Healing!

You Are Healing

Even though grief is a powerful experience—so is your ability to heal.  What’s helpful is finding out what’s normal for this experience.  In a nutshell, this means learning as much as you can about what grief is, and what grief does, and how healing happens.  Because the bottom line is that it’s much easier for each of us to navigate our personal healing journey, in a healthy and productive way, when we have a basic understanding of what is going on.

Here’s the really good news.  Counterintuitive as the following may seem—it’s actually true.  Guess what?

Even though it might not feel like it right now—you’re already in the process of healing.

This is because there is no waiting period.  Thankfully!  Healing begins at the onset of a significant loss.  Because.  Grieving and healing actually work hand in hand.  As we grieve, we heal and as we heal, we grieve.  This working relationship will become clearer, easier to understand, as each day goes by—and as you learn more about both the grieving process and the healing process.  Hang on to the following nuggets of truth.

You don’t need to feel like you are healing—you just need to understand that you are already healing. 

There is daylight at the end of the tunnel.  You are still here for a reason.     

Which means as painful, and awful as it is right now, it’s not the end of the story.

You will return to a place of emotional wholeness, mental coherence, and stability—and ‘normal’ functioning once again.  In this case, normal functioning means returning to the level that you were functioning at before the death occurred.

And life will be good againjust in a new and different way

-Linda Pouliot

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