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Self-Care Matters Because You Matter

Self-Care Matters Because You Matter


Self-care matters because you matter and self-care is really about knowing who you are, your limits, what you need, that your family, friends and pets need you—and that you matter.  However, this is a time when it’s really easy to forget to take care of ourselves because we are buried under the pain of grief, the stress of grief… and everything else related to the loss of our loved one.  And unfortunately, for many of us, grief also undermines our confidence and makes it easy to forget who we are.  However, there is hope.  

Taking Care Of Yourself Boosts Energy and Supports Healing

The good news is that once you are aware of what grief does it’s easier to intentionally keep yourself on a healthy track physically, mentally and emotionally—because you know that doing so supports healing.  And we are going for healing!  Grief Work Is The Work Of Healing

Keeping It Simple

You already know that you are supposed to eat whole food, exercise, hydrate with plain water, set aside time for fun each day—and try to get eight hours of sleep a night.  Or, fit in naps when you can.  So, for right now let’s just keep this simple.  What small changes, if any, are needed?

What am I eating?  Or not eating?  Do I need to change anything?


My current exercise routine is?  (Walking to the mailbox counts.) Do I need to change anything?


My daily water intake is? (A glass of water for each can of soda.)


What can I do when I can’t sleep? (Vacuum, clean the house, pay bills, read a book…)


What am I doing for fun? (It’s okay to laugh again and to have fun—this is healing.)


Now What?  Check out Psychology Today Self-Care

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